Update | It’s not a spending ban - it’s appreciating what I already earned


Cor, talk about the longest title in the whole wide world eh!

Anyways today I wanted to write a post about some of my recent reflections. Beauty blogging has so many positives, and I have learnt so much since beginning. I’ve gained confidence in myself through The Blushing Giraffe and received the most lovely messages saying I have helped others, which is most definitely the BEST part! However reading beauty blogs almost every other day builds temptation after temptation, and what with online shopping making it easier than ever, suddenly my parents find parcels on the regular and nothing being chucked out either. My mum’s friend used to have a ‘one in one out rule’ which sounds brilliant, but I personally cannot part with makeup or anything I have bought, till I have got my moneys worth. So that’s not really an option for me, which means only one thing...I gotta STAP buying da makeups!

I’ve decided that from now till the 25th of May, which is my 20th birthday i’a, I’m not going to purchase any more makeup ASIDE from the current corrector I’m using because that will finish before then. But apart from that, no more spending on makeup at all. Looking at how much has built up over the past year and a half I’m amazed to be honest. Okay so it’s not even 1/5th of what those crazy makeup collections look like on YouTube, but that isn’t the point. The point is I have more than enough and also I’m so so happy with my collection right now, and I’ve realised it’s time to slow down and stop adding more. I think I underestimate the amount of time it takes to finish one product up, and I’m going to be real with you all -I’ve been far too materialistic. It’s time to stop calling it a spending ban and to start appreciating what my hard earned money has already been spent on!

I guess I’m just fed up of buying more and more and just never being satisfied? It’s insane when I think about it, how I have so much that goes untouched, for example the whole collection of blush by 3s from sleek, I mean I could use those alone for at least over two years! I just need to take a step back and really appreciate everything, and even those products that don’t particularly meet my expectations - I want to find a way to make them work.

I’m actually really looking forwards to the challenge of not posting hauls for the next couple of months, and reviewing the products I already have and should pay more attention too. Also I’ve done a few black Friday hauls which I’ve not posted, so here and there I’ll probably be sharing new things individually, but nothing new.

Of course over the next few months money will be tighter anyway due to running a car, and the price of petrol these days!! But I really want to see how much I can save up from not splurging on, essentially, very unnecessary makeup and then perhaps treat myself for my birthday. I also have a decent amount saved up with Boots points and already know that I want to pick up the Dior Star foundation, but that too will probably be when I’ve finished at least 2 or 3 bases. It’s time to give the bank account a rest and the muji drawers a thorough sort out and attention!

Do you ever feel like you keep on and on buying??

Thank-you for reading ♥

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