My Favourite Blog Discoveries of 2014

favourite blog discoveries of 2014

Illustration displayed at GFW2014 - NOT MINE! (I WISH)  Photo taken by me, how could I resist?

Bloglovin is one of the best thing’s that has happened to the blogging world in my option and through it I have found so many great blogs. If you read this post you would have seen some of my absolute favourite blogs of all time. Today I thought it would be nice to share 5 of my FAVOURITE blog discoveries of 2014. Each of these are wonderful additions to anyone’s bloglovin feed and I highly suggest checking each of them out!

1. From Roses - A mainly beauty blog written by Rebecca who is a super talented photographer and editor of  an online magazine too! I had to include from roses in this list because each time I’m on bloglovin I make sure I catch on her gorgeous site, and that’s when you know a blog is a favourite. The photography is of course outstanding (I’ve always adored beautiful photos - thanks Tumblr), but I also really appreciate the other types of posts she writes. One that particularly sticks out to me is ‘passed down beauty tips and tricks’, which got me thinking about some of the things my own grandma does and did.  She is also so creative and has given her readers some fabulous tips on everything from beauty to making a budget stretch further; for example the post on using contact paper to spruce up a desk without going all out and purchasing a new one - so clever and something I will be doing in the new year hopefully.


2. Beauteabible - This is a blog written by two incredibly beautiful ladies - Maryam and Tanjia - who are super talented with makeup and also give out great advice! As their blog is hosted on tumblr, people are able to ask questions and the amount they answer daily astounds me! They also post inspired looks and it’s so awesome seeing them recreate celeb makeup looks, as well as really motivating for me as a reader to try something different with makeup too. The amount of girls they have helped and help daily is wonderful. That is one of the true beauties of being a beauty blogger, you’re sometimes able to help people find confidence and happiness and Tanjia and Maryam do that weekly and with such grace (and patience hehe).  Glamorous, confident, stylish and intelligent - what is not to love?? They are very much Dior girls at heart, and I have so many things on my wishlist now because of reading their beautiful blog! Just click on it and get lost for a while, you’ll learn so much!


3. Berrixbeauty - Sheri is an Australian beauty blogger who’s style of writing I just adore! Every post is so well written and you can really see her personality shine through the words. Some bloggers (with no offence intended) write the facts and leave it at that. But with Sheri I thoroughly enjoy reading the facts which are presented in such a lovely way, each post is interesting and I know I could happily spend a whole afternoon going from post to post, with a list of recommendations in one hand and nodding in agreement throughout (orange chocolate should be banned!).  I love how the posts aren’t just to do with beauty, you get a healthy dose of advice, facts about the lovely Sheri herself. I also LOVE her ‘favourite posts of *insert month* because I always find new blogs and get a selection of awesome posts from a different perspective. Plus sharing the blogger love is just wonderful!


4. Shiwashiful - Another Australian beauty blogger (you girls are brilliant!) - Tasha has fast become one of my favourite bloggers. Her photography is seriously beautiful. One of my favourite things about reading blogs are ogling at gorgeous photos and it’s as good as it gets on Tasha’s blog! The creativity of each post inspires me to make a lot more effort with mine ^_^ I also love her sheer honesty, whilst Tasha will precisely list out all the positive points of a product she is also not afraid to say what doesn’t work so well and I really do appreciate that in a blogger. Each time I see her age in the side bar I think w-o-w, I mean I know age is but a number in most cases, but credit for where it is due because Tasha has achieved so much more than I could have dreamed about two years ago! The post titles are quirky and you have a great selection of popular posts to pick from on the side (I always admire that when on her blog!).


5. Fashion Mumblr - Last but certainly not least we have the lovely Josie’s blog! Stunning photography? Check. A variety of posts? Check. An interesting read EVERY SINGLE TIME? Check! What I love most about Josie’s blog aside from the above three is that it is a real mishmash of beauty and lifestyle. It is without a doubt my favourite ‘mix’ blog because regardless of the content I find myself drawn into reading her posts when they appear on my bloglovin feed. My favourite types of blogs if you can’t already tell are those with substance, and those written with a little bit of thought and effort. Each post doesn’t go straight into the review, rather it starts with setting the background really well and makes for such an enjoyable read!


Those were my five favourite blog discoveries of 2014! I adore each and every one of these and always make sure I catch up with them if I’ve not been able to blog for a while. Beautiful photography, interesting, useful and thoughtful content and best of all they’re all written by super talented kind-hearted ladies whom I’ve very grateful to have stumbled across.

Have you discovered any favourite blogs this year? Feel free to share below!

Thank-you for reading ♥

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