On My Face This Week (OMFTW) #1 | #JANBLOG 20


Hello! I’ve realised that since blogging about a certain topic and committing to it on here, my little website, I am much more motivated to keep at it! So I’ve decided to start a mini series type thing, in an effort to switch up my makeup a lot more often (as I am on a spending ban..97 days to go! heh). One of the main reasons I put myself on a ban was to really make the most of the makeup I do own, so I’m hoping that each Monday I’ll post a fairly brief roundup of ‘what's on my face for the following week’ and then hopefully next week I can give you guys a mini report on what I choose to use last week! If this is confusing, hopefully it’ll make more sense as time goes on!

Also some of this stuff I’ve used once ._. and you all know how I love to do my reviews, but using a product ONCE…not good enough Iqra! I’m hoping that by using it continuously for a week or two I’ll be able to give a real feel for the stuff y’know?!


For week 1 I have:

  • E.L.F HD Blush in Superstar
  • E.L.F Warm Bronzer
  • MUA Shimmer Kisses Bronzer
  • Anastasia Dip-Brow Pomade in Chocolate
  • Natural Collection Blush in Sweet Cheeks
  • Bourjois 16hr Linear Pinceau Liquid Liner in Black

The rest is pretty much standard so shouldn’t have really been in there, but as you can see I've moved this weeks stash to the top of my muji system so it’s easily accessible. Now I would normally just do one blush but I know the HD stuff can be super messy and on days where I have limited time to do my face that’s not helpful! I was going to throw in a palette too but I have another separate idea for that (aren’t I full of them these days?! o_0) soo yeah, stay tuned for next Monday to hopefully read a mini verdict!


And I’d love to know how you’ve got on with any of these if you’ve used them ^_^